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Email Sending Reports
Email Sending Reports

The features of a sending report and automatic segmenting

Joseph Rennie avatar
Written by Joseph Rennie
Updated over a week ago

This month (August 2023) our development team have overhauled email reporting. Below is an in-depth explanation of the features of the reporting page and how you can use this page to retarget to customers using automatic segmentation.

  1. Begin by entering the Reports tab

  2. Then scroll down to the Marketing section and open Email.

    Below are the details of the Email Report:

    Date Range - Allows you to tailor your report to specific time periods, this can range from years, to months to days.

    Report Summary - Below is the Email Report Summary, sat front and centre of your page, this shows your generated report, how many campaigns your organisation sent and how much ROI you got from your campaign, (as well as when it was last updated)

    Conversion Funnel

    The conversion tunnel summarises the sending process.

    Sent - The number of unique customers that were sent a campaign.

    Opened - The number of unique customers that opened a campaign.

    Clicked - The number of unique customers that clicked on a link in a campaign they were sent.

    Returned - The number of unique customers that returned after receiving a campaign.

    Returned to venue

    The returned to venue section gives you all the information relating to returns caused by email campaigns.

    Return Visit ROI - The amount of ROI made from return customers that were sent an email campaign.

    Unique Return Visits - The number of times a unique customer returned to the venue after being sent an email campaign.

    Return Visits - The number of times a customer returned to the venue after being sent an email campaign.

    All sending data

    Sending data entails all data relating to sending, receiving, interactions and failed sends.

    Sent - The number of emails sent to target audience.

    Delivered - The number of emails successfully sent to target audience.

    Unique Opens - The total number of times an email campaign was opened by a unique user.

    Opens - The total number of times an email campaign was opened.

    Unique Clicks - The total number of times a link has been clicked by a unique user.

    Clicks - The total number of times a link on the email address has been clicked.

    Bounced - Those users who's email address was blocked, this can be a soft bounce, which means the stampede service will try again later. These bounces can happen because the inbox is full, or the service was temporarily unavailable. Or it can be a hard bounce, for example, if the sending domain is marked as spam, the email address has been deleted or the email address is wrong. This means the stampede service will add the user to the suppression list and will never attempt contact again.

    Unsubscribed - Those users who unsubscribed through the link at the bottom of the campaign (this link is required to stay GDPR compliant).

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