Sign into your PFSense router.
Navigate to System > User Manager > Authentication Server
Click on ‘Add’ and enter the following information.
Descriptive name: Stampede
Protocol: PAP
Hostname: radius.stampede.ai
Shared Secret: bxsecret
Services offered: Authentication and Accounting
Authentication Port: 1812
Accounting Port: 1813
Authentication Timeout: 5
RADIUS NAS IP Attribute: Select the interface that you want the captive portal to refer to.
Once applied, click on ‘Save’.
Navigate to services > captive portal
Click on ‘Add’ and enter the following information:
Zone Name: (SERIAL)
Zone Description: Stampede
You can retrieve your serial number within the venue section within the Stampede dashboard.
Once added, click on ‘Save & Continue’
Click ‘Enable Captive Portal’ and enter the following information:
Interface: Select the interface you'd like the captive portal to be active on.
Pre-authentication redirect URL: http://nearly.online
Preserve users database: Enabled
Concurrent user logins: Multiple
Use custom captive portal page: Enabled
HTML Page Contents
Download the login page here: https://tinyurl.com/stmpd-portal
Once downloaded, upload the portal to the ‘Portal page contents’ section.
Enter the following information within the ‘Authentication’ section.
Authentication Method: Use an Authentication backend
Authentication Server: Stampede (This is what you created within step 3)
Secondary Authentication Server: Stampede
NAS Identifier: (SERIAL)
Enter the following information within the ‘Accounting’ section:
RADIUS: Enable
Accounting Server: Stampede
Send account updates: Interim
Once you’ve applied those settings, click on ‘Save’. You’ve now successfully applied Stampede within
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