Booking statuses help track a customer's booking progress, indicating whether they are seated, finished, or expected. These statuses are colour-coded for easy identification. Cancelled bookings are removed from the day planner but remain visible in the list view, although they cannot be restored. The front-of-house team uses three views: Day planner, List view, and Floor and Calendar view. In the Day planner, statuses can be changed by clicking the status symbol; in the List view, by selecting a booking and clicking the action button. Status changes are not possible in the Floor and Calendar view. More details can be found in the linked article.
Booking statuses help you keep track of how a customer's booking is progressing during their service. This makes it easy to see who's seated, finished, expected, and more.
Each status type is colour-coded in the booking block, allowing you to quickly identify their status. Note: Cancelling a booking will remove it from the day planner, but you can still view it in the list view, although it cannot be restored.
There are 3 different views that your front-of-house team will use. You can find more information in How to view your bookings.
Day planner: Click the status symbol on the right of the booking to select a new status.
List view: Choose a booking from the left column, which is already organised by status. After selecting a booking, click the action button at the top right to change the status.
Floor and Calendar view: Currently, you cannot change the status of a booking from these views.
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