Gift card setup

Setting up gift cards

Joseph Rennie avatar
Written by Joseph Rennie
Updated over a week ago

In this article I will show you how to design and set-up gift cards using Stampede's simple and effective gift card creator. These gift cards can be easily implemented into an existing POS or billing system.

  1. click the 'Gift card' icon.

  2. click add gift cards

  3. explain editor


    • Gift title - The title of your gift card, usually used for branding.

    • Gift description - This is a sub-header to your gift card title, use it to describe what the gift card is used for.

    • Gift email description - This is a description that is only shown in the email containing the gift card


    • Header Image - The image used as the centre piece of the gift card.

    • Background Image - (Quite self explanatory).

    • Theme Colour - The colour of text on the gift card.

    Gift card Amounts

    • Here you can create a list of amounts for your gift card purchases, customers will only be able to purchase the amounts you list.

  4. Once you have finished your gift card page, it should look something like the example below, if you're ready, click 'Publish'

Note: If you see a greyed out "Publish" button, this is because you don't have a stripe account set up on stampede. Stripe allows you to process payments for cancellation charges and gift cards.

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