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Gift cards and Transaction Reports
Gift cards and Transaction Reports

How to find and manage gift card and transaction reports.

Joseph Rennie avatar
Written by Joseph Rennie
Updated over a week ago

With Stampede's built-in gift card and transaction reporting system, you can seamlessly view your financial data relating to gift card usage and purchasing, as well as transactional data.

Gift cards

  1. Log into then on the left pane, click 'Reports'

  2. At the bottom of the page, under the 'Sales' reports tab, you will find our subjects for this article 'Gift Cards', and 'Transactions', for now, we will begin with gift cards.

  3. At the top of the page, you will find a date range tool to filter your gift card data into a matter of days, weeks, months, years or even between specific dates.

  4. On the page you will find the data and graphical representations of said information. This information can be filtered by venue for greater analysis.


  1. Now we're back to the 'Sales' reporting tab to look at transactions. Click 'Transactions' icon.

  2. At the top of the page, you will find a date range tool to filter your transaction data into a matter of days, weeks, months, years or even between specific dates.

  3. At the top right corner of the page you will find the 'Filter' icon, this will allow you to search transactions by venue.

  4. Along with filtering, you will find a graphical representations in the form of a line graph. This gives you clear and easy to read diagram with your total value, transaction data and average customer value.

  5. As a final aspect of your transaction report, you will find a detailed list of customer data, the amount they bought and when.

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